Online Tuition

11 Plus Course Limited AKA Solihull Professional Tuition Centre offers:

2 Year Course – Maths Mastery & English Mastery to GCSE Foundation being launched in January 2025. Suitable for children 8 years old not doing the 11+.

The APTC welcomes centres offering online tuition. If you are running an independent Tuition Centre and are interested in growing, national association, please complete your centre’s details below.

APTC members networking at our recent annual meeting
Our members share a wealth of experience in education and business. Together, we represent the very highest standards of tuition. Our committee is dedicated to ensuring that members are armed with the tools to provide quality tuition to meet the challenges of the modern curricula.
Homeschooling. Smart Arabic School Girl Having Lesson With Tutor Woman, Writing Down Her Homework Indoors. Mom Helping Her Kid Daughter Do Task Sitting Together Near Table At Home. Selective Focus

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Distance Education. Positive lady wearing glasses and wireless headest at virtual meeting, sitting at desk, having video call on laptop, waving to webcam. Woman studying or teaching online at home

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec posuere dui id dui molestie, sed tempus turpis semper. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur gravida elit ex, at congue purus varius faucibus.